Notes and Quotes

Who Would You Be Without The Pressure To be Someone?

Naomi Cambridge Episode 32

Pressure creates diamonds yes, but the pressure we are under today is crushing us. We live in a world designed to make us feel inadequate. From the social media ideals, to peer pressure, to family expectations, to social norms. We are constantly being scrutinised and encouraged to be someone else. 

I have lived my whole life (the 22 years of it) seeking external validation and trying to be someone that fits others ideals. In this episode, I am sharing with you how I got to be like this and what I'm doing to overcome it. This is my story and these are my tactics. 

Quote of the day: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you enjoy this episode you may enjoy: Finding Your Path And The 4 Steps To Get You There

NB: This episode is based on personal experiences and reflections. It is not intended to serve as professional or medical advice. If you are struggling with mental health challenges or identity-related stress, please seek support from a licensed therapist or qualified professional. 

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